Based on the numbers of deaths caused by brain tumors, people still consider this brain related illness as a deadly disease that cannot be cured. The truth is not as tragic as many may think. With the development of modern medical technology, many cases of the once thought deadly illness has been found to be in fact curable, if detected early.
There are two types of tumor categories, benign and malignant. A tumor is categorized as malignant, which means it contains cancerous cells, while a benign tumor does not. If a tumor is detected in a person’s body, it needs to be determined whether it is the primary source of the tumor or if it may be the result of cancer or a tumor in another part of the body. If a malignant tumor is left to be, the cancerous cells can eventually spread through the body and infect other parts of the body resulting in a tumor or cancer. If a cancerous tumor starts elsewhere in the body, it can spread its lethal cells that can end up growing in the brain. This is what is known as a secondary or metastatic brain tumor.
Even though the cause of genetic mutations can lead to a primary brain tumor, it is yet to be determined, what factors may increase a person’s risk of falling victim to brain tumor. It can stem from a family history of the illness. A small number of brain tumor victims have been found to have a genetic family history of the brain related cancer or tumors. It has also been discovered that excess exposure to certain toxic chemicals as well as radiation can lead to the growth of a tumor in the brain. Although it can occur at any age, the risk of a brain tumor also increases as a person ages.
If you happen to experience symptoms like prolonged headaches, blurred vision or sudden imbalance, it is highly suggested to visit a doctor for early diagnosis. Although not all brain tumors have been found to cause major complications in patients, it is still best for it to be detected early to help doctors monitor it easily and helping it to be quickly treated to prevent it from growing or causing other problems.
Gamma Knife Surgery
Brain surgery is known as one of the best available solution to remove brain tumor with out opening the brain. Although the neurosurgeons will try to remove the tumor as possible, complete removal is difficult and brain surgery is a highly invasive procedure that has high risks. Further it is impossible to remove the micro metastatic spread at the margin of the tumors which may regrow in malignant tumors. The brain is the most sensitive organ a human has and if the surgery does not run properly, it may cause permanent damage to the brain. Not only that, the healing process following surgery takes a long time and requires continuous physical therapy towards recovering the brain function. Hence management of patients with multiple brain tumor has been a problem considering the stated reason.
But now, with the availability of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, there is a better alternative solution to treating brain tumor. This surgery offers a non-invasive approach without surgical risks, a long hospital stay or subsequent rehabilitation, and even pain due to the surgery process. Gamma Knife is seen as one of the best treatments without any side effect for any number of tumors in the brain which is not possible with surgery. Gamma Knife offers the treatment option for any number of brain lesions with much lower risk compared to surgery. Hence this technology is widely used in many developed countries for treating multiple brain lesions of the brain.
Narrow beams of Gamma Rays
This modern system of treatment uses gamma rays that are directed to the tumor inside the brain. About 192 focused gamma ray beams are targeted to an isocenter with the purpose of damaging the cancerous tissue without causing any harm to the surrounding healthy cells. There is no need to worry about any healthy cells being influenced by radiation, this technology focuses precisely only on the specified area.
Determining which part of the brain requires to be treated with Gamma Knife is decided through a number of diagnostic investigations, such as MRI, CT scan and digital subtraction angiography. The use of Gamma Knife treatment is conducted by a team of specialists which include neurosurgeons, radiation oncologist and medical physicists to design a customized treatment plan.
Unlike radiotherapy, Gamma Knife does not induce side effects commonly related to this type of treatment. Patients will not experience Neuro cognitive decline, hair-loss, nausea, lack of motoric skills or body coordination, fatigue or any other side effects that mostly occur in conventional radiation therapy. The procedure itself does not take a lot of time making it more comfortable for patients, as there is no need for anesthesia and no need for recovery. Patients can be treated and leave the hospital on the same day. Hence the cost of this treatment is more predictive compared Surgery where the extension of hospitals stay, cost of second surgery, ventilation unit etc. are not predictable considering the risks involved with neurosurgical procedures.
This technology offers you comfort of brain tumor removal surgery and is now available in Indonesia. Handled by a dedicated team of clinicians and clinical scientists at Gamma Knife Center Indonesia (GKCI) in Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village, Karawaci, Tangerang. For more information and details about Gamma Knife, you can visitwww.gammaknifeindonesia.com or contact +6281295100080.