The brain is a very important organ in the human body. He serves as the command center for all activities in the body. The brain is also associated with each organ and limb through the nervous system, to connect you with the round. Without a brain, you will not be able to use your five senses, thinking, expressing emotions, moving, storing information or analyze all the information obtained from the surrounding environment. Therefore, the brain has a very important role, so this organ is protected by the skull, and covered by a layer of liquid hair can protect the brain from the sun.
Sometimes, for any reason, disturbances in the brain. Of course this is a health problem that should be immediately addressed, given the importance of brain function. For certain brain disorders, medications can be used to eliminate the symptoms. However, for some conditions such as tumors, vascular disorders, brain damage or stroke, sometimes surgery is the only option for cure. Due to the sensitive nature of the brain, surgery for this organ is not an easy thing. Many things must be considered during the process of brain surgery. Even if the operation does not run properly, this process can cause permanent damage. After undergoing brain surgery, the patient also must undergo a long recovery period and several months of therapy before being able to leave the hospital.
Brain surgery without scars
With advances in medical technology operations, now there is another alternative in the healing process disturbances in the brain. This new technology is considered more advantageous because the results are painless and a hospital stay is shorter. Another advantage of this medical technology is without anesthesia, medication support, without injury, postoperative complications or long-term impact. Solutions with the latest technology for brain surgery recently entered Indonesia is the Gamma Knife.
Gamma Knife surgery is a major advance in brain surgery. In the last three to four decades, Gamma Knife surgery has changed the picture of the nerve. Development offers surgical treatment in patients with brain tumors and vascular malformations with treatment options that are safe, accurate and reliable. Gamma knife allows the patient to undergo brain surgery without the risk of surgery, hospitalization time or subsequent rehabilitation.
As a form of radiosurgery, Gamma Knife offers an alternative to patients who do not allow the conduct brain surgery, but has a brain disorder that must be addressed.
Operation with laser beam
By using modern systems, gamma rays emitted by Gamma Knife is able to reach areas of the brain that has been detected previously. By utilizing more than 190 laser beams are no thicker than a hair, Gamma Knife to focus illuminates a point which is considered as the tumor so as not to injure the surrounding tissue.
Treatment with the Gamma Knife requires a team of specialists consisting of neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists and physicists or scientists in the medical field for the entire treatment plan specifically for each patient using Gamma Knife therapy. Determining the location of brain disorders is based on preoperative radiological examinations, such as CT scans, MRI scans up angiography.
Minimal side effects
Unlike other technologies that are designed to cure various parts of the body, Gamma Knife was only designed to treat brain disorders. With clinical studies of more than 40 years and 700,000 patients have been treated worldwide, Gamma Knife has evidence-based clinical record length in treating a variety of indications with fewer side effects and does not require general anesthesia. Although using Gamma rays, Gamma Knife does not cause hair loss, nausea, loss of motor skills and coordination, fatigue and other side effects normally generated in conventional radiation therapy.
As a surgical instrument, the Gamma Knife has an accuracy of up to 0.2 mm. This allows the Gamma Knife achieve operating targets located deep in the brain and spine back of the head and neck. This therapy can also be used as a primary treatment or as part of other treatment methods such as surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy other. Gamma Knife usually do not interfere with or inhibit chemotherapy. This technology provides an alternative treatment option for patients with diseases that can be treated with surgery and surgery. Gamma Knife action also does not cause intense pain, the action is done in a matter of hours and the patient can go home the same day to resume daily activities.
No need anymore to foreign countries to obtain advanced therapies, is now in Indonesia, Gamma Knife can already enjoy. There is a Gamma Knife Center in Indonesia (GKCI), Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village, Karawaci, Tangerang, Gamma Knife is handled by a team of experts. You can save the cost of tickets or accommodation are thirsty you pay if you want to do this therapy abroad.